More: SleepSpot


See the project video below


Research and design

Like any other, this project started with extensive brainstorming sessions. After broad research on sleep and sleep deprivation, it was clear that it is a problem among many age groups in Denmark. Irregular sleep patterns - and too little of it - can have severe consequences. Therefore, the product to solve these was going to be designed. Since media consumption on mobile devices is relatively high before falling asleep, it influences humans’ circadian clock.

Sleep problems and not enough sleep can have severe consequences (photo from the project’s report.)

Sleep problems and not enough sleep can have severe consequences (photo from the project’s report.)


The final design of the application.

The final design of the application.

Design and making the app

It was decided to develop a mobile app for Android. The design assumes an alarm clock app with an additional feature of the GPS-based alarm location. This means that each created alarm has a location assigned to it and that it will only go off at that location. For instance, if you set the alarm every weekday at your home location to remind you to go to bed at 10pm but you are not home - let’s say at the party - the alarm will not go off.

Because of the semester theme, the app was made in Android Studio. We used Git version control for code management. Developed with Java and Google Map API. for database management SQLite was used.



Evaluating the application

A UX study was conducted to determine the applications' perceived utility, usability, desirability, and brand experience in order to perform the final evaluation. Users responded positively to the application concept, which is understanding the importance of proper sleep cycles. Furthermore, we conducted a series of interviews to collect qualitative data. It provided similar results as the previous test; perceived usability of the application was high and efficiency factor and learnability curve.

Overall, the app was received positively. People understood the idea of the application and - on the conceptual level - agreed that it might be helpful in some cases.

Word cloud describing User Experience of using SleepSpot.

Word cloud describing User Experience of using SleepSpot.